Libro de reclamaciones

Libro de reclamaciones

Bitel Loterias S.A.C.
RUC: 20610394451
Client validation
* Required fields
* Applies only to TuSami customers
Record format
Claim book
Canal web
Claimant customer identification
* Required fields
By entering my email, I authorize the response to the Complaints Book to be given through it.
Detalle de reclamación y pedido
Identificación del bien contratado
* Required fields
Detailed requirements
Use: Please detail the date, time and place in which the events that are the subject of your claim occurred in order to help you. Thank you.
Te informamos que, para asegurar el funcionamiento óptimo de esta plataforma, los campos de “Detalle de la Reclamación” y “Pedido del consumidor” tienen una capacidad máxima de 1000 caracteres. En caso desees agregar mayor detalle, te recomendamos anexar un documento
    Drag file here
    (Max 1024KB)
    (Note:A maximum of 1 supplementary files can be attached to the claim (1024KB maximum each). Only files are allowed: pdf, jpg, png, gif, tif, tiff, txt, mp3, xls, xlsx, doc and docx)
    Attached files
    I sign this claim/complaint as an affidavit in full use of my faculties, assuming the corresponding responsibilities for the veracity of the data and content of the text(s) described in this document.